RCM Calculator
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    Organization Info

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  3. Full Report

Organization Info
Organization Name *
Organization Type *
Location *
40 / 100 %
AR Days (days)
Average number of days to collect payments.
Denial Rate (%) ( Enter value: 1 -100 )
% of claims denied by payers.
Collection Rate (%) ( Enter value: 1 -100 )
% of billed revenue successfully collected.
Cash Collections (%) ( Enter value: 1 -100 )
Proportion of net revenue collected in cash.
Clean Claim Rate (%) ( Enter value: 1 -100 )
% of claims submitted without errors.
Days In Revenue (DIR) (days)
Time taken to convert services into revenue.
Bad Debt Ratio (%) ( Enter value: 1 -100 )
% of uncollected revenue written off as bad debt.
First Pass Resolution Rate (%) ( Enter value: 1 -100 )
% of claims paid on first submission.
Insurance Verification Time (days)
Time taken to verify patient insurance coverage.
Patient Payment Collection (%) ( Enter value: 1 -100 )
% of payments collected during service.
RCM Initial Report
Your RCM Health Score 0 / 100
Your RCM Health Score is
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RCM Health Report

Organization Info

Organization Name & Contact ( ) Location Organization Type Clinic

RCM Report

Your RCM Health Score
0 / 100
Your RCM Score is

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